Tag Archives: st john

Mikey P gets another night!

So we’re walking around town, posting fliers for Mikey P’s Castaways night, when we bump into Micah, the manager at Cactus on the Blue.  Micah loved the fliers we made, and asked us what he could do to get his own Mikey P flier.  The answer of course was simple: give Mikey P a reoccurring […]

The C.O.R.E Foundation presents: “The Caribbean Lionfish Response Program”

On February 2, 2011, the C.O.R.E. Foundation made a free presentation to educate locals about the Lionfish Response Program, and specifically what we can all do to help.   Special thanks to Karl Pytlik, program director, for organizing the evening, and for enlisting the help of accidental photography!  I had a great time, and certainly learned […]

Lars and the inspirational wall

Two nights ago, Lars and I decided to plaster our bedroom wall with inspirational photographs from a photo magazine we received from Laurel in the mail.  The wall looked so awesome, (and so did my baby without his shirt on) that the camera came out and memories were captured.  Hope you enjoy them as much […]

The waterspouting storm of January 6th or 7th (We don’t remember exactly)

Here comes the rain! We spotted a series of waterspouts off of the coast of St John and St Thomas while we were visiting Em’s parents at Vista Carib.  I kicked myself for not bringing a longer lens-but overall I’m pleased with the result.  You can make out the formation of a couple waterspouts in […]

becca’s last night

Becca’s last day on the island- what more can I say? Becca’s pre-emptive celebration for having landed one of the coolest jobs available right now- what more can I say? Becca’s last time listening to Mikey P playing music at Castaways and then dancing the night away- what more can I say? Becca’s last time […]