Category Archives: photo-journalistic-ish

Jay Hoflich presents: Reconcraft

Last Wednesday (and hopefully every Wednesday to follow) one of the IEC resident entrepreneurs is going to present their business to the whole group, so everyone can stay up to date with what’s going on in everybody’s businesses.  Just a small way to help us be more organized.  At the presentation, we learned a lot […]

Maultsby Family Reunion

So for the first time since we’ve been married, all the Maultsby families got together to reunite in Wilmington, NC.  Here’s the recap: Laurence’s father had 5 siblings (now 4, his brother Gene passed a few years ago in a sailing accident), and each sibling’s family wore a different color t-shirt.  Daddy Jim (my father-in-law)’s […]

The day we ate lunch at the clinic

A lovely April adventure in St John with my best buds Harry and Liz!  Did you know the Myrah Keating health clinic serves lunch?  And for CHEAP!?  Well they do.  So we did.  And it was fabulous.  (make sure you go between 12 and 1:30!) Anyway the rest of the day played out the usual […]

Ultimate frisbee with the Catch and Keep team

I was asked to head out to Coral Bay to cover one of the Catch & Keep Frisbee games. It made me wish I had Tuesday evenings free. I haven’t played since college.  One day I’ll come back to it. You can buy shirts that support the team here: